Affiliate Disclosure

LuxxRugs (“we,” “our,” or “us”) participates in affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn commissions on qualifying purchases made through our links to third-party websites. This helps support our business and allows us to continue providing valuable content and recommendations.

How Affiliate Links Work

When you click on an affiliate link on our website and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These commissions help us maintain our website and provide you with high-quality product recommendations.

Affiliate Relationships

We only promote products and services that we genuinely believe offer value to our visitors. However, please note that our affiliate relationships may influence the content we publish. While we strive to provide unbiased information, our recommendations may be affected by these partnerships.

Transparency & Integrity

Your trust is important to us. We disclose our affiliate relationships to ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of our content. We always aim to provide honest and accurate reviews, regardless of any commission we may receive.

Third-Party Websites

Affiliate links on LuxxRugs may direct you to third-party websites. These websites have their own policies, and we are not responsible for their content, privacy practices, or transactions. We encourage you to review the terms and policies of any external site you visit.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Affiliate Disclosure Policy, please contact us at:


By using our website, you acknowledge and agree to this disclosure policy.

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